Tuesday, January 20, 2009

on this day in history...

Today on the way to work/day care Ada and I were listening to the events around the inauguration on NPR. Most of drive was descriptions of who was wearing what color and how big the crowd was, but right at the end of our drive the big wigs started to take the stage and there was a lot of applause and playing of patriotic music. Ada got into the whole thing and started chatting up a storm. Thinking that she was really interested in what was going on I started explaining what today was, and how this was a very important day in the history of our country. She even dutifully repeated the name of Barak Obama back to me. Then after a short lull in our conversation, after hearing a smattering of applause and music, Ada started clapping herself and started wiggling and dancing in her seat. Then with the biggest grin a 2 year old can muster she leaned forward in her seat and shouted up to me, "O Canada, O Canada".

At least she got the patriotic part correct.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

party girl

Last night Auntie Katie called Ada and I while we were driving home but the call lasted longer than the drive. After we arrived home we stayed out in the car because I would have had to dig my phone out of my bag in the back of the car to pull it off the Bluetooth in the car and also because the car is one of Ada's favorite playgrounds.

As some background information on the way home Ada spilled some water on her shirt so she insisted on taking it off as soon as we pulled into the driveway.

While sitting in the car I opened the sun roof to let in some of the nice night air. Ada thought this was GREAT!

As her mother, what I'm about to tell you was both hilarious and enough to make me want to lock Ada in her room until she is 35.

Once the sun roof was opened, Ada, topless Ada, pulled herself through the hole in the roof and started shouting, "WEEEEEEEEEE YEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". She did this over and over again. Pulling herself back into the car to laugh hysterically.

Note to self. Ada is not allowed anywhere near limos when she hits high school.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Horray for 2009

Welcome to 2009! We had a wonderful break, traveled by car, boat, and plane. Saw almost all of our family, spent time catching a tan and playing in snow. Welcomed Santa back into our lives after many years and really got a lot of time to enjoy the wonderful little girl that Ada is becoming. Granted we had our battles of wills as well - but for some reason when I look back on the two weeks of family time I just remember the funny stuff.

Our vacation started with our cruise down to Cabo, or as Ada liked to say "On the big boat". Ada LOVED the cruise. Everything was new and exciting and the boat was big enough to not get bored but also small enough that Ada had it figured out after about a day. Elliot and I will remember this trip for the amount of sleep we got, Ada will remember this trip for the amount of ice cream she consumed. The cafeteria had soft serve machines and our waiter in our formal dining room discovered Ada's love of chocolate ice cream on the first night and would then just bring more and more and more every night. This might have been the highlight of the cruise for Ada if it weren't for dance show on the last night. Ada was mesmerized by every little twirl and beebop to the music. Put it this way she sat still and focused for close to 45 minutes, not even Nemo can warrant that kind of respect.

Next we spent a few days at home, preparing for, and participating in Christmas. Ada loved mass, but not so much for the religious aspects as the musical aspects. After every song the choir sang, Ada clapped as loud as she could and shouted out, "YAYAYAY". Just to let the choir know she appreciated their effort. We also spent lots of time at Nana's house, and without fail, immediately after we would leave Nana's house Ada would start asking to go back to Nana's house. I think it had something to do with the way Nana lets Ada jump on the couch after she has already knocked off the cushions.

The day after Christmas we boarded a big airplane and headed up to the frozen tundra of Seattle. Lucky to have avoided the big lack of de-icing fluid catastrophe that held Seattle hostage for days, we had a great flight and actually only took one hour from landing to driving our rental car away from the airport. With checked bags, a two year old and all that snow - that was really something.

We managed to make it up to my Grandma Ott's house while Ada napped in the car. Once we got to Grandma's house we told Ada that we were at her Great Grandma's house. She looked at me and said, "Big Grandma's house" with the authority of a grade school grammar teacher correcting he young pupils. So it became Big Grandma's house from that point on. After visiting for awhile we headed up to the cabin, or as Ada would like to call it HOME. She adapted to the cabin really fast and when it came time to leave she threw the tantrum to end all tantrums. If we ever do move out of our house in San Diego I think Ada will have to go on vacation as we pack up everything because the trauma we inflicted on her when we left the cabin this year was right up there with the trauma she goes through when she poops in the shower (all you parents out there know what that shriek is).

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Baker was once again fun and relaxing. Ada got to hang out with Taylor the whole week (and has been asking for her everyday since we returned home), and she got two solid play days with Erica and Nicollo. She also has a new BFF - his name is Tony and Ada now brightens up when she hears his name. She also got to reacquaint herself with Jason, Emi, and Nonna Donna, as well as her Tia Jackie. Tony and Jackie did quite a good job keeping up Ada's Spanish lessons while we were away and now Ada will sponateously break out into a "Tiaaa Jaaackkiee" while in the car.

We also had a ton of snow up in Baker. On one of our play days with the other Hickses Jason, Elliot, Emi and I build a variety of snow objects for the kids to play with. There was a wonderful snowman (complete with moss for hair), a snow couch and a snow chair, and best of all... a snow slide. Erica was by far the most daring but Ada did a round or two going head first.

All in all a great way to end the year. Thanks to everyone for a great 2008 - here is to hoping 2009 is even better!!