The move went about as well as can be expected considering Elliot had to do the whole thing given my recent knee injury and we are mostly moved in at this point.
We were a little worried that the new house would spook her a little bit. After all, it is bigger. Mom and Dad are further away at night, and the sounds of the new neighborhood are a little different. We were wrong to worry. Ada LOVES the new house. She loves that her new room is bigger, she loves that the house has stairs, she loves her new shower curtain (which displays a map of the world - yes, her mom and dad picked it out), she loves the garage door opener, she loves the extra space in the living room which is perfect for dancing, and she loves telling anyone who will listen that her school is RIGHT OVER THERE.
Just about the only thing Ada doesn't like about the new house is that it rains all the time. I'm just waiting for her to realize that the two don't actually go together.