Thursday, July 14, 2011


Ada recently started a new chapter in her life. After spending every working day since she was 6 months old at her day care center, she finally graduated! We could have kept her at the center until Kindergarten starts in the fall, but we opted to enroll her in the ESS program at her future grade school. 

While ESS is associated with the school, for the summer it is mostly summer camp, which is a totally new and amazing experience for Ada. She gets to go on field trips twice a week, has occasional swimming days and of course also gets to hang out with new teachers and some older kids. And with new teachers comes new games. Ada shared one of these new games with us this morning in the car. 

Quick side note: We were in the car at 4:45 AM driving to the airport so Elliot and Ada could catch a flight to Saskatchewan... remember that as you read the following story... 

Ada: "I learned a new game at school. Sausage"

Me: "Really, I haven't heard of that one before. How do you play?"

"Someone sits in the middle and you ask them questions, and they just say 'Sausage' to everything. You have to make the person in the middle laugh."


"So let's play. I'm in the middle."

(we played, I had to trick Ada into laughing by pulling out one of my standard goofy voices)

Ada: "OK, now you are in middle"

"OK, hit me"

"What is your favorite color?" 

(in my best robotic voice) "sausage"

"Who is your favorite person?"


"What is your favorite sausage?"


Granted I was operating on maybe 4 hours of sleep, but she caught me enough off guard that I genuinely laughed. This led to more laughter, which then led to game after game after game of 'Sausage' until we hit the airport. 

Not surprisingly, a little bit later as they were killing time before their flight, when Elliot asked Ada if she wanted just an egg sandwich or one with egg and sausage, she replied without missing a beat...
