Thursday, January 17, 2008


When Ada was younger and smaller and just starting to learn how to stand up she was fairly daring with her new found skill. We would put her up on the couch or the counter or the ottoman and when she would precariously pull herself up and wobble around while trying to maintain her balance, I often helped to narrate the process by saying, "Whhhoooaaa". This ended up being one of the first sounds that Ada repeated back to me, which I found sort of funny, so I continued to use Whoa when appropriate. Well now that Ada is in full fledged trying to speak mode she has adopted Whoa as her all time favorite. Sometimes she uses it correctly, but mostly she uses it to describe very mundane activities. She opens the door to the bathroom "Whoa", she sits down on her bedroom floor "Whoa", she takes a bite of pasta "Whoa", she puts her shoes away "Whoa", and on and on. In fact she will get into Whoa ruts where she will use it as an ending to every minute activity she does in a span of two minutes. Pretty funny from an observer level but it got me thinking. Is this going to be Ada's version of "You know" or "Eh"? Some strange twisted combination of the dialectical space fillers from Elliot's and my home towns. All I can say to that, is, "Whoa".

*edited for proper spelling of Candianism

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