Tuesday, February 12, 2008

easiest drop off ever

Whenever I drop Ada off at daycare she completly melts down. Not a simple bit of clinging to my leg, or trying to get me to play with her. Nope. She screams bloody murder as I walk out of the room. Her teachers like to point out that she only does this when I drop her off, not when Elliot does. In fact they have even gone so far as to ask who would be dropping her off the next day so they can mentally prepare for her meltdown if need be. I could choose to think that she is just trying to make my life difficult, but deep down I know it is because when she rides to daycare with just me she has this secret little hope that maybe, just maybe, this is the day that I ditch work and hang out with just her. That would be the coolest thing in the whole world. Well today we had a very tight morning. We dropped Elliot off at work in LaJolla, I had to get Ada to daycare, and into work by 9 AM for a meeting. Shouldn't have been a problem if we left on time but that doesn't seem to be in the cards these days so it was pretty tight and I think Ada sensed that. On the way to daycare she was so well behaved I almost thought she had fallen asleep, and then when got to daycare she secretly pledged to not melt down on me. She even walked into her classroom by herself so I didn't have to strain myself under her pixie weight. When we got to her room I braced myself for the death grip on my legs, the tears, the wailing, the urgent demands of "up, up". But they never came. Ada's little gift to Mommy today was the easiest drop off ever. She walked into her room, looked up at me, smiled, and then walked into the room like she owned it. She didn't just want to let me off easy, she wanted me to feel Ok about it too. Still in a bit of awe I staggered to the sign-in table, filled out her paperwork, put her lunch in the cabinet, kissed her goodbye (still no crying or reaching out), and walked out the door happy that I have a well adjusted little girl who is confident and comfortable. Either that, or she really wanted to get rid of me so she could start flirting with all of the boys in her new classroom.

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