Tuesday, May 13, 2008

jazz maven

Ada loves music. She'll even start dancing to a series of "bum, bum, bums" if I clap while I sing them. At first I thought she didn't have any taste in music, but somewhere along the lines Ada has developed an interesting preference for Jazz. My alarm clock randomly ended up on a local Jazz station, and now when the alarm goes off 30 minutes after Ada has woken us up and joined us in bed we have a little impromptu dance party.

Now I have tried to distract Ada with music on the radio before and she usually pastes a disinterested look on her face, or continues to scream bloody murder; whichever is the most painful at the time. So I am pretty excited about this new Jazz development. Imagine the power I will have if this interest lasts. Quiet, peaceful, Jazz filled rides to and from daycare. Fun playtime dance sessions filled with more and more varied Jazz tunes.

Now if she starts to ask for cigars and well drinks I'm going to have to put my foot down. For now I'm going to enjoy Ada's adult taste in music and thank God every day that I don't have to listen to the Wiggles sing about Old MacDonald's Farm; but get to enjoy the melodious tickling of piano keys and the sassy trumpeting of brass elements providing backup to Ada's infectious laughter.

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