Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We had our first rain in months today. Ada really hasn't experienced much in the way of precipitation in her short life, especially in the part of her life that she actually remembers. So this morning, when we walked out to the car to leave for day care and work, Ada paused for a second and noted the strong mist in the air. She turned to me with a look of discovery and interest on her face and repeated over and over again "Wet" "Wet" Wet". She wasn't crying or shouting or scared or excited, just amazed.

I have always rushed through life not really stopping to notice the small stuff, but Ada, she always checks in with me to make sure that now, now I do. I have and will continue to have so many opportunities to give things to Ada materialistically, intellectually and socially - but it will never come close to the changes that Ada is working in my life.

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