Thursday, February 5, 2009


Most mornings these days Ada drags out the process of getting out of bed, getting dressed, putting her shoes on, and finally letting me brush her hair. I'm counter balancing this by waking her up a little earlier than I normally would but letting her hang out in her room for an extra 10 minutes getting used to the idea that it is time for her day to start.

Basically, I'm her human snooze alarm.

Well this morning Elliot and I were already planning a quick trip to Starbucks so we didn't have to wash our coffee pot and milk steamer dishes, so when I woke up Ada I told her that if she got ready quickly we would go get coffee.

Ada LOVES coffee (aka chocolate milk).

I left the room thinking that she would hang out and wait for me to pry her little body from her bed and coerce her into going potty. I started to dry my hair and before I knew it I felt a tugging on my hair dryer cord. I glanced down thinking it was caught on the sink or something and to my surprise I saw Ada. She was dressed and ready to go in about 10 minutes and then spent another 10 running around Elliot and I trying to get us to speed up so we could get out on time.

Remember this Nana. We aren't opposed to bribery. Use it to your advantage all weekend long!

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