Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Given Ada's love of the show 'Dancing with the Stars' and well her love of all things that involve pretty dresses, music, and dancing we have started watching the summer hit 'So you think you can dance'. And Ada LOVES it.

We have a little routine on Wednesday nights where we climb into bed after our nightly jog and snuggle up while we watch 'the dancing' as Ada refers to it. Last week after one particularly good routine one of the judges summed up his opinion by stating "FAN-TASTIC", and then went on with the rest of his critique. Ada was cuddled up in my legs at this point and she brought her right hand up to her face in a semi-Thinker pose and slowly sounded out 'fan-tas-tic, fan-tastic, FANTASTIC'. Which of course sent Elliot and I into fits of laughter. The equivalent to a 10 foot tall trophy filled with chocolate pudding in the world of kid-dom. So Ada spent the next 10 minutes saying FAN-TASTIC, FAN-TASTIC, FANTASTICCCCCCC!!! She finally settled down when more dancing started but would throw out a FAN-TASTIC every couple of minutes just to see if she could still get laughs from Mom and Dad (she could).

Fantastic has now become part of our daily conversation. Fast forward to our ride home from school yesterday.

Ada: Mom and Dad are fantastic
Me: Ada you are fantastic
Ada: No
Me: You are terrific
Ada: No
Me: You are amazing
Ada: No
Me: Ok, what are you?
Ada: I'm Ada Beta!!!

Proving just how FANTASTIC she really is...

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