Thursday, September 9, 2010

Miss Piggy

Ada has been asking us to play Tinkerbell or Minnie Mouse a lot lately. She'll hand out assignments to all of us, and sometimes her other stuffed animals too and then we'll act out whatever script is in her head. The characters are really a small part of the whole activity, for example, Tinkerbell will often find herself doing push-ups, a very unfairy like thing to do.

So the other night Ada asked me to play Tinkerbell, I hesitated slightly and she took a different tact. She asked me who my favorite character was... I thought and thought and for some reason the following came out of my mouth.. 'Kermit the Frog'. The perplexed look on her face was priceless. Who the heck is Kermit the Frog.

It quickly hit me, Ada had no idea who Kermie is, or any of his other Muppet friends. I tried to explain, but apparently a talking green frog was not all that impressive to this modern day four year old. Then she asked who she could be if we played Kermit the Frog... well that one was easy enough - Miss Piggy! That of course sparked a whole new bout of questions the first and foremost "Who is Miss Piggy". I had done such a horrible job with Kermie that I decided to show her the real thing. I popped open my laptop and pulled up some old Muppet skits on YouTube.

For the next 15 minutes the education of one generation to the next took place. There were so many things I had forgotten about and Ada thought the Muppets were as hilarious as I once did. And Miss Piggy? Well let's just say Ada has a new favorite character!

And Ada and I have a very special new game that we play. I just hope Miss Piggy likes to do push-ups.

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