Wednesday, March 9, 2011


One of the features of our new house is that Ada can hear the garage door opening from her bedroom. This means she knows exactly when I come home from class. I have also convinced her that she better be in bed when I get home or ?? Who really knows.

A few weeks ago I knew Elliot was having a long week and Ada had been testing her boundaries with him a bit while I was at class. That morning I told Ada she better behave for her daddy that night because he was tired (something she would understand) and that she better be in bed before I got home. That one little heart to heart was apparently written in blood and sealed with a kiss because it is now the LAW in our house.

Fast forward to a few nights ago. Elliot is doing his best to get our little lolligager to put her clothes in the laundry room and head up to bed. Ada was pulling her - "I'm to scared to walk down the hall routine" and had already gone a few rounds with Elliot when the grumble of the garage door started to rumble the back side of our house.

As fast as she could Ada sprinted to the laundry room, violently threw her clothes in the existing pile, turned on a dime and shot herself into her room and up her ladder into her bed. Record time, no fussing, and no additional cajoling from Elliot was needed.

By the time I had gathered my bags from the car and headed into the house, Elliot was down in the kitchen waiting for me and Ada was cuddled up in her bed pretending to sleep.

Elliot is now going to start carrying a spare garage door opener in his pocket for 'special' occasions.

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