Monday, May 9, 2011

ordering like a grown up

First off - apologizes for not posting recently - we went to Boston for the marathon where Elliot and Tia Jackie kicked butt but it also threw me out of writing whack. 

Now on to our regularly scheduled program...

About a week ago we went out to dinner at a restaurant in our new neighborhood. We've been to this establishment before and Ada has a standard order. When the waiter came to take our order, I did what I normally do - I ordered my meal and then Ada's meal. All pretty standard. The food came, we ate, and Ada earned her ice cream (our secret to good restaurant behavior). 

When the waiter came by to ask if we wanted anything else Elliot started to order the ice cream and when the waiter asked what type of ice cream we wanted Ada took over. She spoke clearly and politely and ordered herself some vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. It was very cute, and very grown up. 

But the best part was right after the waiter walked away - she turned to the table with the BIGGEST smile on her face and said with uncontrollable glee "I ordered my ice cream all by myself!!!!" 

And so begins a whole new type of firsts in our family. 

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