Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Ada got her first promotion last night.

No she doesn't have a job, we aren't into child labor.. yet. No, Ada got her first promotion in gymnastics and she we could not be more proud.

I'm such a good mom that I didn't even realize what was happening when her teacher, Miss Kay, came over to give Ada her ribbon and qualification sheet indicating that Ada had crushed the 'Cricket' assessment and had moved on to the 'Super Crickets'.

Once I realized what was happening Miss Kay explained that it was really clear that Ada had been practicing (yay inner Tiger Mom) and that she was doing a much better job at focusing and listening during class.

Ada was pretty oblivious as to what was happening while we were at the gym but once we got home and I explained it to her she kept asking me over and over again what Miss Kay had said, and was particularly impressed that she got complimented for 'being a good listener'.

And then in a twist that even I didn't see coming Ada asked me to 'write a book about her getting her ribbon'. Which translated into - write a blog post about this and then she proceeded to dictate what I should write. So here you go, from Ada's mouth to your eyes:

"Ada did a very good job at Gyminny Kids, (make sure you tell them it was Gyminny Kids so they know it was gymnastics). I got a ribbon and Miss Kay said that I did a VERY good job. And that I practice a lot. And that I am a very good listener, and Kayla needs to pay attention more." 

For the record I told Ada that it wasn't very nice to say that about Kayla and it is pretty safe to say we still have some work to do in the modesty department, but I am glad that she gets to understand how good it feels to work hard for something and to get recognized for that hard work. 

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