Wednesday, April 8, 2009


On Monday Elliot and I decided that it was time for a family night. Neither one of us had urgent work to get done, and we have not had a sit down family meal where everyone ate at the same time in, well, months. So after we got home, we ran a few errands together and then started cooking. Everyone helped, Elliot prepped the chicken with a new Asada sauce we picked up at Costco on Saturday, I chopped pineapple for grilling (Ada ate some pineapple), and then Ada and I snapped the asparagus so that only the ripe portion would be grilled. Ada loved this activity although on more than one occasion she ripped off the top rather than letting the natural snap occur, but she is two, so we forgave her.

Once the meal was cooked (thanks to Elliot), we all sat down to eat. We had debated earlier about cooking Ada one of her go to meals (pasta with cheese on top or mac-n-cheese) but decided that for family night, Ada could eat what we were eating. Ada seemed Ok with this (with the exception of the asparagus) and even decided that she would take 5 strips of chicken in her bowl - yes - that is more than one third of the chicken we had prepared!! We thought there was no way she would ever finish it and figured we would just keep her leftovers for sandwiches the next day. Well, as seems to be happening a lot lately, we were wrong. Not only did Ada eat all 5 pieces of chicken that she put in her bowl, she also demanded the last piece that was left after Elliot and I were done, plus a slice of grilled pineapple!!! Not sure where she put all of the chicken but it is safe to say that that was her largest meal to date.

Not surprisingly she didn't touch her lunch the next day and only ate a little bit of pasta with cheese on top for dinner last night.

Given all of the things out there for us to worry about, the one thing we can cross off the list is 'Getting enough to eat', because Ada proved that when she needs to, she can pack it away with the best of them.

1 comment:

SeaDog said...

Sounds like she is related to her father.