Friday, June 19, 2009

oh my goodness

Ada has new favorite phrase "Oh my goodness". Every time those three little words slip from Ada's mouth I just crack up. Not that the phrase in and of itself is all that funny, but the tone she adds to it is ripe with all the worry and concern of someone much much more mature in years than our dear little Ada. I also can't help but picture Molly from the movie Annie who is famous for repeating "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my GOODness" whenever Miss Hannigan starts after the orphans.

Ada drops her new favorite ditty at almost any occasion. We are putting on Ada's "makeup" and she drops her brush - "Oh my goodness, Mommy", she gets a drop of water on her hand as we are brushing her teeth - (a garbled) "Oh my goodness, Mommy", we pull up to get gas - "Oh my goodness, Mommy", Ada gets cold as we are driving to daycare - "Oh my goodness, Mommy"... You get the point.

As far as I know Ada has only seen the movie Annie once in her lifetime so I'm not sure that is where she picked up the saying. However, given her similarity to the toddler version of her Auntie Julie I'm not counting it out just yet.

1 comment:

Rita Ramstad said...

Hi Katie and Ada--
Grandma was telling me all about your blog, so we had to check it out. It's great. It sounds like the three of you have lots of fun together. (We also sent a message through Facebook.) Grandma says "hi!"
