Monday, January 10, 2011

do nothing days...

One of Ada's favorite cartoons is 'Phineas & Ferb', the story of two step brothers who spend their summer vacation thinking up adventures and executing on them only to have all evidence of their shenanigans conveniently disappear right as their older sister is about to 'bust her brothers'. I'm not sure what part of all of this show Ada loves the most, but I'm sure glad she likes it - after all - there is only so much Mickey Mouse Club House one family can endure.

Anyway, one of the episodes we've seen a couple of times has P&F enjoying a 'Do Nothing Day' where they lay out in their backyard enjoying the perfectness of the warm sunny day. Since my injury, and Elliot's need to work on the old house to get it ready for tenants, Ada and I have had a couple of 'Do Nothing Days' where we actually do something but far less than we used to so it must seem like nothing to Ada's simple four year old mind.

I love these days. We get to do Mommy/Ada stuff that we never had time for before. We've made cookies, practiced gymnastics, gone to the park, made bread from scratch, watch The Sound of Music, and my favorite of all - got in lots and lots of snuggle time.

As I heal up and become more agile and Ada grows more independent I know our time will once again fill up, but for now, I'm LOVING our Do Nothing Days (where we actually do a whole lot).

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