Friday, May 13, 2011


There are often moments in our daily routine where it is pretty darn evident that Ada is definitely absorbing some of the environment in which she is being raised.

I have recently started doing an 8 week fitness program called INSANITY with a co-worker, and most of the days we workout at lunch but when that doesn't happen and on weekends I'm left to do the workout by myself. I'm OK with this, I'm a motivated individual, but it does make it easier when you have someone working out with you. Ada obviously picked up on this and for Mother's Day instead of flowers or chocolates, Ada gave me the gift of working out with me. It was cute, she did most of the exercises and kept me laughing the whole time. Since then Ada has been asking me every morning if she can do my workout with me.

Well this morning was one of the days where I was left on my own to do the workout. I somehow convinced Elliot to do the workout with me (he was very skeptical about doing something that implied that you might be a little bit insane to even contemplate completing - and I'm pretty sure he isn't going to sign up for the whole program anytime soon), and once Ada caught wind that there was going to be a workout in the house this morning she asked if she could be part of it. We told her she'd have to get up early if she wanted to participate and boy oh boy did she take that seriously.

As Elliot and I were grumbling about getting out of bed we heard the familiar 'pad pad pad' down the hallway. Our little munchkin was up and ready to go. She came into our room with a GIANT smile on her face and said without hesitation, "Come on, lets go workout".

Clearly, Ada is one apple that did not fall too far from the tree. 

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