Thursday, January 24, 2008

to whom it may concern, my parents are crazy

Elliot and I are both training for marathons. Elliot for LA in hopes of qualifying for Boston, and me for Boston, thanks to a sponsor bid from HP. This means that we need to exercise (mostly run) 6 days a week. Most of the time we are good about hitting that goal but last weekend we ran a half marathon and had Monday off of work and were just feeling generally lazy, so we took Tuesday night off, swearing to each other that we'd get up early on Wednesday to run. Well the alarm went off and we tried really hard to get out of bed, but that didn't happen so we were stuck with running after work. There is no way either of us can afford to take three days off in a row, we have a mutual pact to guilt each other into a run if we have to, and that is what it took last night. When we run at night we try to time it so that Ada has already had dinner, had some fun playing time, and is starting to wind down for the night. Most of the time this works out and Ada falls asleep in the jogging stroller. Well last night as I was driving home it started to sprinkle. Not so bad, I thought, we have a rain shield for the jogger, Ada will be fine. Then as Ada was eating dinner the rain picked up to a nice steady patter on our roof. Ok, we thought, this will pass while Ada eats and plays and we should be good to go after that. And then it got worse, and worse, and worse. We finally decided that we had to get on the road no matter what the weather was like. So we slowly piled on the clothes and prepped the stroller, hoping against hope that the rain would stop. Not really for our sake, but we weren't sure how the rain cover would work and we really didn't want Ada to get soaked. Eventually we had a VERY sleepy Ada loaded into the jogger, the rain cover attached and secured, and we headed out into the storm. We were completely soaked by the time we hit the first corner, but Ada seemed to be holding up Ok so we continued. All told we got in a soggy three miles. We ran through ankle deep puddles, through spats of VERY heavy rain, and through it all, Ada remained bone dry. She didn't really fall asleep as planned, though. She found the rain and the sight of Elliot and I soaked through and through to be just way to funny. I'm guessing we didn't do much in the way of deterring Ada from her new found love of puddles, but it was worth every ounce of water I soaked in when Ada and I exchanged smooshy faces through her rain shield as we made the turn to come home.

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