Monday, March 24, 2008

deep in the heart of Texas

We took a zip in and zip out trip to Dallas for one of the Theta Xi guys wedding this past weekend. It was great to see all of Elliot's friends and the wedding was beautiful, not that Ada noticed, she spent the entire ceremony looking at the latest entry into the Theta Xi family - little Lila who is about a year younger than Ada. She was mesmerized by the little fingers and the little toes, and well, all of the little stuff.

This was just the start of the excitement for Ada. After the ceremony she discovered the most amazing thing about weddings. They are followed by these big parties, in a big room, with lots of music, and many many people who think little girls running around in cute dresses are the most adorable thing EVER. Needless to say, Ada thought the whole party was for her. She spent the first hour of the cocktail reception greeting all of the guests (or running around smiling at them and laughing as she ran away). As the night wore on she started to get more and more bold and by the end of the night she had even worked up the courage to ask a perfect stranger for a dance (he accepted). By the end of the night it was apparent that Ada had maintained her celeb status in the Theta Xi world.

All in all it was a successful trip to Dallas, a bit short, but I have a feeling that Ada will always have a special place in her heart for Texas.

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