Friday, October 31, 2008

spanish for fairy

Last week at Ada's Spanish class her teacher told us that 'Ada' pronounced more with a soft 'aaa' rather than the hard 'a' we use, means fairy in Spanish. It all makes sense now. Ada's 'pretty dresses' are actually fairy dresses, with wings and all, and her favorite toy these days is her blue fairy Barbie - again with wings and all - she calls this doll Tinkerbell.

I think everyone already knows that we did not have Ada's name picked out when we got to the hospital on her birthday. Instead we had a list of three names that all matched up to a certain image in our heads. Ada was our dainty, feminine name. So when Ada came out with long fingers, eyelashes, and limbs it was a no brainer, when we pictured what an Ada would look like in our heads - it was pretty close to what she looked like when she came out.

In a lot of ways Ada's name picked her. And now we know why.

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