Thursday, October 23, 2008

that one

Ada has recently started to show preference for certain toys and objects that she considers "hers". In particular she has identified one of her blankets as her favorite. It happens to be the patchwork blanket that my Smith friends made for me while Ada was still in my belly. I love this blanket because it reminds me of all of the love and friendship in my life and makes me feel like I'm wrapping Ada up in this love when she uses this blanket. I think Ada likes it because it has so many colors. But the patchwork nature has lead to difficulty in describing the blanket when she wants Elliot or I to fetch said blanket. Once when we went into her room I asked if she wanted this blanket (pointing to a different blanket) or that one (pointing to the patchwork blanket). From that point on Ada started referring to the patchwork blanket as "That one". It took us a couple of very dramatic breakdowns before we figured out what "That one" meant, and it didn't fully click until we asked Ada to show us what "That one" was. Ada walked into her room, sighed, put her right hand on her hip, and pointed to the patchwork blanket with her left, cocked her head back towards us and said, "Duh". Ok, maybe not exactly like that, but if you could translate 2 year old body language into adult body language - that would have been it.

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