Tuesday, January 20, 2009

on this day in history...

Today on the way to work/day care Ada and I were listening to the events around the inauguration on NPR. Most of drive was descriptions of who was wearing what color and how big the crowd was, but right at the end of our drive the big wigs started to take the stage and there was a lot of applause and playing of patriotic music. Ada got into the whole thing and started chatting up a storm. Thinking that she was really interested in what was going on I started explaining what today was, and how this was a very important day in the history of our country. She even dutifully repeated the name of Barak Obama back to me. Then after a short lull in our conversation, after hearing a smattering of applause and music, Ada started clapping herself and started wiggling and dancing in her seat. Then with the biggest grin a 2 year old can muster she leaned forward in her seat and shouted up to me, "O Canada, O Canada".

At least she got the patriotic part correct.

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