Tuesday, August 31, 2010

who dat?

Today we had a stranger in our house.

She looked like Ada, she smiled like Ada but this person was more like an adult stuffed into a little body.

She woke up cheery and on time.

She got herself out of bed (climbing down the top bunk ladder).

She went potty without someone to keep her company (we told her once she turned four she needed to do it all by herself, she found a loophole telling us that she didn't want help, just company...)

She picked out her own dress AND got herself dressed without any help.

And just when I thought there really might be a stranger controlling her little mind, she called me into her room as she was putting the finishing touches on her outfit for the day and asked in a very matter of fact way, "Mama, when I finish getting dressed will you snuggle with me while I watch Phineas and Ferb?"

I like this version of Ada. Independent, confident, but still showing that when it comes down to it she is still a little girl that needs her time with her Mama (and Daddy - when I finished up my snuggle she asked for Elliot).

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