Friday, December 7, 2007

so grown up

Last Thursday night Elliot, Ada, and I went out for dinner. We went right after we picked up Ada and she was in a pretty good/hyper mood so we picked a booth with a wrap around bench so Ada could walk around but still be contained.

We ordered some garlic bread sticks (Ada's favorite) and when they arrived we realized that they came with some marinara sauce for dipping. Now, we know Ada loves dipping french fries in ketchup, but I thought that had to do with the ketchup more than the dipping. Turns out she is as big a fan of dipping as she is of ketchup. We broke off a piece of bread stick for her and she started contentedly munching away. Until she saw both Elliot and I dip our bread sticks into the sauce. She stood up on her bench seat, leaned way forward and dipped her bit of bread into the sauce. Well, dunked is a more fitting description. She had marinara sauce up to her wrist, but she didn't let this stop her. She then brought her bread back to her lips, only it didn't get much further than her chin because it was soaked and weighed down by sauce. Of course this lead to a chin full of sauce and fingers full of sauce, which she promptly wiped clean on her new turtleneck. Eventually she managed to navigate the bread to her mouth but at that point she realized that she had dipped her bread in sauce instead of ketchup and she lost interest in the bread.

After our meal had arrived, I carefully cut up pieces of food for Ada, and Ada was feeling awful grown up so she decided to pick up the knife and try to "cut" her food as well. After that she insisted on taking my fork so that she could eat, because who would eat with their fingers. Um.. I guess that would be me now. She also insisted on shaking Parmesan cheese on her food just like Mom and Dad. Thankfully, even through all of this big girl action she managed to eat quite a bit of food. Once she finished eating she wanted down from the table and then back up into my lap.

Now, Elliot and I had both ordered a glass of wine with dinner and I was finishing up my glass of wine when Ada insisted on sitting in my lap. That was when she took this big girl act one step to far. She was happily sitting in my lap, playing with my plate and then she saw it. My glass of wine and she lost all focus on any other objects and honed in on the fancy glass with the rich red liquid. She grabbed a hold of it and tried to bring it to her lips. That's when I put my foot down. My baby can eat grown up food, she can use a butter knife to cut her food, and she can even use a big fork to feed herself; but under aged drinking, she is going to have to wait until she is at least 5 before she starts doing that.

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