Monday, December 3, 2007

daddy's girl

We had a great weekend hanging out with Ada. Saturday was a pretty typical day for us, but Sunday started out with a lot of unusual activity and it appears that Ada got a little worked up. We started off the day getting our Christmas tree. In the past, Elliot and I have waited until the week before Christmas to get our tree, but we thought Ada might enjoy having the tree around so we got it a little early this year. Ada was a little shy at the tree lot and didn't really grasp what was going on, but was happy to be out of the house. Next, we did some shopping at Target to get some construction paper and paper ornaments. We decided that we would decorate our tree with paper ornaments just in case Ada figured out how to pull the tree over - we didn't want to have to deal with a squished Ada AND broken glass from the ornaments. Ada loves shopping, especially if there is a cart involved. Not because she likes sitting in the cart. She will put up with sitting in the cart for a little while, but she usually ends up out of the cart, "pushing" it as we slowly move through the aisles. We had such a good time at Target that we figured we would push our luck at Marshalls for a few items we have been looking for, and finally ended up at Einstein Brothers for some breakfast fare. With all of those activities we thought Ada was sure to crash for her morning nap shortly after we got home. And sure enough, she showed all of her sleeping signs, but for some reason - she just refused to fall asleep. We tried a couple of times to get her down in her crib - even letting her wail about for what felt like an hour (probably not more than 5 minutes). Finally we resolved ourselves to a no nap morning and brought her out to watch some football with us. It wasn't more than one minute before she had curled up in Elliot's arms and fallen asleep. Elliot was also feeling a bit tired so he just laid down on the couch and they took a nice long nap together. Once they woke up they had some lunch and as they finished up, Elliot gave Ada a piece of garlic bread (her current favorite food) and propped her up on a pillow next to him on the couch. She was content but had a look on her face that showed that something was just not right. She looked around a little bit, looked up at Elliot, looked at his arm that was over her shoulder and resting on the arm rest and then something clicked. She grabbed his arm and pulled it in close around her waist, and snuggled in a little bit more. At that moment in Ada land everything was right with the world. She was well rested, her belly was full, and her Daddy - he was wrapped around her little finger. It was adorable.

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