Monday, March 21, 2011

leave button

Elliot and Ada have a variety of games that they play, each game fits into a theme. There is a tag theme, a hide and seek theme, a story theme, a doll theme, and a button theme. The button theme is one of the more creative variations of games they play - basically one of them will call out "X" button while pushing an imaginary button and then the other person has to adapt the game to whatever button was called out. This is usually used when they are pretending to be fighting aliens and they need a quick escape.

Well tonight I came home before heading to class and ruined Ada's plans to force Elliot into hour upon hours of GAMES. She was momentarily excited that she got to see me, but then she wanted me gone. I was able to joke around with her a little bit, I tricked her into a game of tag (yeah - I made HER play tag - how do you like them apples Elliot), I told her that she had to catch me to get me to go... even with my bum leg I should be faster than a 4 year old running around in tights on hard wood floors.

What I didn't account for was Ada's desire to get me out of the house. As I made the second trip into our home gym area about to head around the stationary bike Ada LAUNCHED herself at me in an attempt to lay me out in an open field tackle. (note to self, Ada might have watched TOO much NFL this past season). Lucky for me I'm wily and was able to elude her tackle, unlucky for Ada this meant she landed face first on the hard wood floor. Realizing what had just happened I picked up Ada and started giving her healing kisses to which Ada replied 'Kiss button'!!

This went on for a few seconds and then Ada started trying once again to convince me to leave a little early for class. When her best appeals fell on deaf ears she went into game mode, stuck out her little pointer finger and said 'Leave Button!!'


That was harsh.

But pretty darn clear. Ada loves her Daddy and really really enjoys their play time together. I am glad that Ada does not hold my class nights against me but I think we need to teach her a little bit of tact.


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