Thursday, November 29, 2007

sleepy head

Last night when I picked up Ada from daycare I noticed that she hadn't taken her afternoon nap. Not unusual, but it usually means a cranky ride home and an earlier bed time. So imagine my surprise when I handed back a binky early in the ride and then didn't hear another peep. Given that it is dark when I pick her up now - I couldn't see what she was up to until I got home. Turns out she was asleep. We put her in her crib and figured we had enough time to finish up some work until she woke up and wanted dinner. One hour passed - nothing, two hours - nothing, finally we started to get ready for bed and she started to stir. We quickly gave her a bottle (forget the sippy cup), changed her diaper, put her in her jammers and laid her back in her crib and she was still happily sleeping when I left the house at 6:30 this morning. I'm sure she is growing and needed the sleep, but in the back of my mind, I can't help but wonder if she figured we would be trying to push the sippy cup again last night and she was just really creative in her attempt to rebel against our attempts.

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