Friday, June 6, 2008

clown shoes

Ada's love of shoes has taken a strange turn. In a mix of her obsession of Mom and Dad's shoes, and her love to walk around without her shoes falling off - Ada has become obsessed with a pair of hand-me down pink Maryjane's that are two sizes too big. Effectively the toddler version of clown shoes.

She is so obsessed with these shoes that she insisted on wearing them to floor hockey last Sunday. Not phased by Auntie Julie cracking up every time she caught site of the large shoes, or the fact that anytime she picked up more speed than a brisk walk she tripped and scraped her knees. She spent the duration of two hockey games clomping around showing off her hockey celebrations and just doing her normal flirting with her various floor hockey boyfriends.

When we got home we put the shoes up on the kitchen counter to keep them out of her site, but last night as I carried her into the house from the car she spotted the old ratty pink long boards and while I quickly changed into my non-work clothes she managed to pull them down from the counter (when did she get so tall), took off her super cute red keens, and had the pink rattys on before I even knew what she was doing. And then she INSISTED that she wear her clown shoes on our walk around the neighborhood.

Up to this point I have tried to nurture Ada's shoe obsession in a hope that she will end up with some sort of fashion sense, but her love of her pink hand-me down Maryjane's is making me rethink this plan of action as I envision a day when I have to walk Ada into her day care clad in her fleece footed PJs and her pink clown shoes.

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