Monday, June 23, 2008

tomboy princess

A couple of weeks ago Ada's daycare teacher broke the news to me: Ada is going to be tomboy. WOW, what a shocker. ;) I'm not sure that Ada had much of a choice on this one, after all she has been attending soccer games since she was 5 days old and hockey games since she was 2 weeks old. She will have logged more miles in her jogging stroller by age 2 than some adults log on their feet their entire lifetime. Ada's exposure to all things athletic is evident in her love of balls, and hockey sticks, and baseball bats, and gloves, and helmets, and running, and jumping. In fact, she is probably the only almost two year old I know that threw a fit because she got kicked off the hockey rink in 100+ degree weather. So the breaking news that Ada's teacher so sadly broke to me two weeks ago was really no shocker.

No the real shocker is that even though she has been raised with and exposed to many many many hours of sports, she has a primal draw to all things pink and sparkly. Most recently evidenced by her latest Target purchases of bright pink sparkly/glittery shoes and a pink Dora the Explorer fashion ball cap.

So this morning as Ada walked out of the house in her purple monkey shirt, camo shorts and pink wind breaker, pink glittery shoes, new Dora ball cap, one of my purses over her right shoulder, monkey doll in one hand and her Elmo doll in the other - I just smiled, loving the fact that Ada is already turning out to be one well rounded little girl.

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