Monday, February 14, 2011

the darkedness

We are trying to get Ada to show a little more confidence and courage - doing more things on her own - little things like going to the bathroom or walking down the hallway on her own to get her PJs. Sometimes she is great and then sometimes she digs in her heels and acts like we are asking her to take her favorite stuffed animal out back to de-fluff it and then ride her bike over it again and again. You know - the most unreasonable request in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.

The other night was one of those nights where we were (apparently) asking for her to do something SO horrible that she just. might. die. In other words, we asked her to go from our bedroom down the hall to her bedroom to get her PJs.

Ada dramatically threw herself on the floor and started to loudly pout. How could we ask her to go to her room ALL BY HERSELF. Don't we know, that is just not possible.

Why? Well....

"I don't know"

"Is there something in your room that makes you want to not go in there"



"I don't know"

"OK, I can't help you unless I know what is bothering you. I don't know is not an answer, if you say 'I don't know' one more time you are going to bed right now"

What followed was the most brilliant display of self control and will power I have ever witnessed, especially from someone as young as Ada

"Well, I can't go to my room"

"Why not?"

"Well... well.. it is scary"

"What is scary"

(repeat 5 times - not once throwing in an 'I don't know') and then..

(on the verge of fake tears) "The.. um.. the.. well.. the.. the... the DARKEDNESS"

"You are scared of the dark"

"NO, not the dark, the DARKEDNESS" (the look on her face was the most dramatic look she could muster)

(holding back every urge to break out in hysterical giggles)

"OK honey (big hugs), we will help you tonight. After all the darkedness is pretty scary."

The battle of wills continues in our house, but I was pretty happy to see her little brain working.

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