Friday, February 11, 2011

fashion critic

It is no secret that Ada has distinct opinions about what she wants to wear. She has been picking out her outfits since she was about 2, or whenever she discovered that she was able to take her clothes off if she didn't like them.

We recently discovered that she also has strong opinions about what Elliot and I wear, she has just been keeping them to herself.

Until now.

Most mornings I get dressed for work and at some point in the course of the morning routine either I'll ask Elliot about what he thinks of my outfit for that day or he'll say something like 'You look nice today'.

Awww what a sweet guy.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago, I get dressed in pretty standard office fare, and get Elliot's two thumbs up on my choice. As I start on the next part of my morning routine I hear a little (but confident) voice.

"I don't always like your outfits"

"But do you like my outfit today?"

"Yes, but sometimes, I do NOT like what you wear."

Okay.... point taken

This morning I am wearing a skirt, so I figured Ada would be a fan. So after Elliot complimented my choice in clothing I turned to Ada and asked what she thought.

"Hmmm... I like it... but... (pause, pause, pause) I think I want to add some green!"

She then went into my closet and started looking for a green jacket to add to the ensemble.

Project Runway here we come!

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