Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Ada has discovered the world of cake. Not entirely surprising since I have morphed into a mad cake making machine since Ada was born, but somewhat surprising since she practically ignored the cake we served up for her on her first birthday. Well over the weekend Ada helped me make a cake for her Auntie Monique, cracking the eggs (her favorite) and pouring the sugar. Confidently spouting out her new favorite words 'cake' and 'cupcake'.

Last night when we were up at Eric's house for dinner she finished her meal, brought her plate to the kitchen, and even emptied her leftover food into the trash. Then she wanted to go outside. So much so that after I explained that the rest of us were going to finish our dinner at the table and then went and did just that, she clung to the screen, moaning a droning 'moommmmeeee, moooommmmeeee' until I finally gave in and came to find her at the door. She stopped her moaning but quickly turned to all out wailing and flailing on the floor when she heard my words, "After everyone is done eating dinner". The only thing that got her to quiet down and even join us for dinner was the promise of cake, leftover cake from Monique's birthday party. But I had warned her that it would not come right away. She was going to have to wait for all of us to finish our meal and conversations, and that she was going to have to sit there, politely, through it all. And sit through it she did. She sat in her chair, scowl on her face, hands grasping to the table so tight you could see her knuckles turning white, and eyes that kept repeating, "Have patience with these people, for cake is coming. Have patience with these people, for cake is coming." We tried asking about her day, or asking her what color the flowers were, but her concentration was strong and our attempts were nothing against her wall of sullenness.

And when the cake came she completely flipped. She forgot about outside. She forgot that she was mad at us for making her sit through conversations about jobs and soccer. She forgot that she was working really hard on her teen angst act that she will no doubt perfect in the coming years. All that was out the window the moment the yummy pumpkin and chocolate cake was presented before her. She silently but enthusiastically ate the top layer off of her slice and only once she made it through this top layer did she smile a chocolate toothed smile that let me know all was good and she was once again a happy child.

At least until tonight when we ask her what she wants for dinner and she confidently says, "CAKE!!".

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