Thursday, July 3, 2008

naked baby jumping

We set up our air mattress in our living room last weekend when Taylor was over as a distraction for Ada and Taylor, and it worked. They spent a good 30 minutes jumping on the air bed dancing to music, and flinging themselves from the air mattress onto the couch and back again.

Seeing that Ada had so much fun and that we are all worn out from the weekend, we have left the air bed up. This has proved fun for the whole family as we have had jumping and dancing parties every night this week. Last night Ada took it to a whole new level. She was climbing on the couch, jumping down on to the air bed, and the repeating all over again. After about five rounds she must have gotten a bit warm because she stripped all the way down to NOTHING (yes, all by herself, this scares me). Once she was fully nekkid she started her whole climbing jumping, repeating process again, only this time she jumped harder and farther and with a much much bigger smile. Letting us know that those clothes, yeah the ones we put on her everyday, are TOTALLY slowing her down. From now on, if it is up to her, she will go through life without the restrictions of clothing to slow her down.

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