Friday, July 25, 2008


Ada has always been our thinker. Sitting back and watching the world, taking it in so she is prepared for future occurrences of similar activities.

So last night when I got home from work and was exhausted, something Ada has (unfortunately) seen a lot of lately. Instead of screaming and pulling me in every other direction. She walked over to me as I sat on the couch helping her play with her giant legos, and patted a pillow next to me and gently led my head down so that it lay softly on the pillow. I don't know if she did that because that is what I do when she looks tired, or if she just took one look at me and decided "Mom needs a nap". In either case, it was sweet of her to observe that Mommy was not up for a dance party or for flying her around the house in her Bumbo, or a vicious game of street hockey on the back patio.

Either that, or she wanted some alone time with her Daddddddeeeee and she knows I'm a sucker for naps.

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